Benjamin J.

As a technology enthusiast with over 30 years of experience in the field, I have developed a deep passion for computer security. My interest in this field began at a young age when I was first introduced to computers through an ancient MS-DOS system, and the very first command I discovered, 'dir', sparked my curiosity and desire to learn more. Throughout my professional career, I have dedicated myself to gaining a comprehensive understanding of hacking and its various techniques, with a particular focus on sharing this knowledge with others. I believe that equipping others with the tools and understanding they need to protect themselves is crucial in today's digital landscape.

Exploring Trilium Notes

Today we take a look at Trilium Notes, an amazing open source application that you can access anywhere in the world! Host it on...

An Interview with Gemini

With the exciting public debut of Google’s new AI, Gemini, I thought, what better way to acquaint ourselves with this groundbreaking technology than through...

Goodbye Authy Desktop

Twilio, the parent company of Authy, announced on Wednesday through an updated support article that it plans to discontinue the Authy Desktop application on...

Educated by a Scammer

Most of the time, when we think of scammers, we imagine individuals at the very fringes of morality, preying on the vulnerable—often the elderly—to...